With the last season of Game Of Thrones coming, Primark and HBO have teamed up to offer a new range of products to all fans of one of the most viewed series worldwide. Whether it's the mother of dragons or the last of the Stark sisters, there's plenty to choose from in this new spring / summer Primark collection. Highlight for the t-shirts with knots, short sweatshirts and a cap to complete the look.
But there is so much more! From decoration to clothing, the collection is made up of products as distinctive as pajamas, mobile phone covers, candles, tote bags or maps that will delight all those who know that "winter is coming."
The days in Portugal may seem closer to the summer, but the truth is that there is still a lot of rain to come. And in those days, nothing better than staying comfortably at home, cuddled by objects and clothes perfect for the occasion.
Now you can turn your bedroom into a king’s room with duvets, dragon egg candles and wall hanging pieces. And if you put on the Jon Snow pajamas and their slippers, you’re in perfect condition to watch the new season of "Game of Thrones".
The collection is already available in all Primark stores.
Com a estreia da última temporada de "Game Of Thrones", a Primark e a HBO resolveram associara-se para oferecer uma nova gama de produtos, para todos os fãs de uma das séries mais vistas em todo o mundo.
Quer seja a mãe dos dragões ou a última das irmãs Stark, tem muito por onde escolher nesta nova coleção de primavera/verão da Primark. Destaque para as t-shirts com nós, sweatshirts curtas e um boné para completar o look.
Mas há muito mais! Da decoração ao vestuário, a coleção é composta por produtos tão distintos quanto pijamas, capas de telemóvel, velas, tote bags ou mapas que irão fazer as delícias de todos aqueles que sabem que "o inverno está a chegar".
Os dias em Portugal podem parecer já mais perto do verão, mas a verdade é que ainda deve vir aí muita chuva. E nesses dias, nada melhor do que ficar confortavelmente em casa, aconchegados pelos objetos e roupas perfeitas para a ocasião.
Agora já pode transformar o seu quarto, num quarto digno de um rei, com edredões, velas ovo de dragão e peças para pendurar na parede. E se a isso juntar o pijama Jon Snow e respetivos chinelos, está nas condições perfeitas para assistir à nova temporada de"Game of Thrones".
As peças já estão disponíveis em todas as lojas Primark.

€ 2.50 Game Clips Game Of Thrones | Clipes para fotos Game Of Thrones 2,50 €, cada um

Stainless steel water bottle Game Of Thrones € 8, thermal glass Game Of Thrones € 6 | Garrafa de água em aço inoxidável Game Of Thrones 8 €, copo térmico Game Of Thrones 6 €

Piggy Egg of the Dragon Game Of Thrones 9 € | Mealheiro ovo de dragão Game Of Thrones 9 €

Pack of 2 mugs Game Of Thrones 7 € | Pack de 2 canecas Game Of Thrones 7 €

Game of Thrones 4 €, cable Game of Thrones 6 € | Capas para telemóvel Game of Thrones 4 €, cabo Game of Thrones 6 €

Game Of Thrones Mug 6 €, textured mug Game Of Thrones 9 € | Caneca Game Of Thrones 6 €, caneca texturada Game Of Thrones 9 €

Pack 4 candles in bottle for offer Game Of Thrones 7 €, small candles egg of dragon Game Of Thrones 3 € | Pack 4 velas em frasco para oferta Game Of Thrones 7 €, velas pequenas ovo de dragão Game Of Thrones 3 €

Game Of Thrones Flags 6 € each | Bandeiras Game Of Thrones 6 €, cada uma

Game Of Thrones Pajama Sweater € 8, Pajama Leggings Game Of Thrones € 10, Game Of Thrones Slippers € 6 | Camisola de pijama Game Of Thrones 8 €, leggings de pijama Game Of Thrones 10 €, chinelos Game Of Thrones 6 €

Game Of Thrones Purses 6 € each | Porta-moedas Game Of Thrones 6 €, cada um

Wall Hanger Game Of Thrones 8 € | Cabide para parede Game Of Thrones 8 €

Cabide para porta Game Of Thrones 2 € | Game Of Thrones Door Hanger 2 €

Light Curtain Game Of Thrones 3.50 € | Cortina de luzes Game Of Thrones 3,50 €

Game Of Thrones Single Quilt Set € 20, Game Of Thrones Double Quilt Set Game Of Thrones € 20, Game Of Thrones Quilt Set € 22, Cushion With Map Game Of Thrones € 7 | Conjunto edredão de solteiro Game Of Thrones 17 €, conjunto edredão de casal Game Of Thrones 20 €, conjunto edredão kingsize Game Of Thrones 22 €, almofada com mapa Game Of Thrones 7 €

Game Of Thrones Cushion € 8, blanket Game Of Thrones € 8 | Almofada Game Of Thrones 8 €, manta Game Of Thrones 8 €

Notepad with map Game Of Thrones 5 €, pack of 2 pens Game Of Thrones | Bloco de notas com mapa Game Of Thrones 5 €, pack de 2 canetas Game Of Thrones

Game Of Thrones Door Knob € 4.50 | Calço para porta Game Of Thrones 4,50 €