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The most beautiful initiative of this Christmas

Sevend Dials Christmas lights are always perfect every year, but this one there's something very special about them. Since the 20 of December the lights are on controlled by the heartbeat of Billy, a 2 years old boy who's unable t visit the "Merry Christmas from Seven Dials" this season because of a heart disease.

From now on, betwen 4pm and midnight the lights will pulse in time to Billy's heartbeat. This is happening to help shine a light on the plight of babies and children who miss Christmas due to serious heart conditions. Young Billy is one of them. Hewas diagnosed with Transposition of the Great Arteries (TGA) at his mum's 20 week scan. TGA is a condition where the two main blood vessels leaving the heart are wapped over and affects 1 in 10 000 babies.

Tiny Tickers is a small charity from UK, dedicated to helping improve the detction, care and treatment of babies with serious heart conditions. To help them Seven Dials created this iniciative, remembering everyone who's admiring the Christmas lights, that somewhere in the world there's many babies and children who can't because they're in hospital waiting for or recovering from open heart surgery.

You have to see the video "Twinkle Tinkle Little Heart"!


As luzes de Natal de Seven Dials são sempre perfeitas todos os anos, mas neste têm algo de muito especial. Desde 20 de dezembro as luzes acendem controladas pelo pulsar de Billy, um menino de 2 anos que não pode visitar o "Feliz Natal de Seven Dials" por causa de uma doença cardíaca.

A partir de agora, entre as 4 da tarde e a meia-noite, as luzes vão pulsar ao ritmo dos batimentos cardíacos de Billy. Esta iniciativa visa ajudar a chamar à atenção para bebés e crianças que sentem falta do Natal devido a problemas cardíacos graves. O jovem Billy é um deles. Ele foi diagnosticado com transposição das grandes artérias (TGA) às 20 semanas de gravidez da mãe. A TGA é uma condição em que os dois principais vasos sanguíneos que saem do coração são afetados e é uma doença que atinge 1 em 10.000 bebés.

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