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Lisbon&London. Two Cities, One Connection Point. An everyday guide.

Cheeky Leeks: the new place for healthy 'fast food' in Lisbon
Here's the latest news from Lisbon! Cheeky Leeks is the new restaurant that combines colorful and tasty food with super healthy and...

The most sweet and creative biscuits in town
Do you want to surprise the little ones at any time of the year? Offer them biscuits in a 'Do It Yourself' version! In fact, they get to...

Maria Croissant
The most recent place at Praça de Londres, in Lisbon, brought a new aroma: that of freshly baked croissant. Here, the croissants are a...

Desserts on my Table... Pavlova
Who doesn't like contrasts?... I do! Especially when it comes to food. This Christmas, Pavlova was one of the desserts that was at my...

The Minimal House: the place where relax is an order
I visited the Minimal House last December and I absolutely loved it! Francisco Cipriano is the host of this wonderful place. He was born...

Christmas at the Ritz is more than magical
Right in the heart of Lisbon, the Four Seasons Hotel Ritz Lisbon have been welcoming some of the biggest stars of the artistic world....

'Home for You': Interior Design from Porto to the world
Decor is one of the most appealing areas. Everyone likes to improve the details in their own homes. Each person has a style and, usually,...

It's Revolution Time in Downton: Dowager Countess best quotes
(NO SPOILERS HERE) Downton Abbey movie is already a winner! It won this weekend’s U.S. box office and I dare to say it wasn't a lot of...

Dacquoise: a french pâtisserie in Lisbon
This place has about 6 months, and opened in December 2018. The owners are Rita and Ivo Camões. Rita was born in the world of...

Santo António Festivities 2019
Today is the night of St. Anthony, the patron saint of the city of Lisbon. A lot of animation around the various camps in the typical...
By Angie
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